Our aim is to establish a farming property where production and the natural environment coexist harmoniously and sustainably.


(ca 'tchment n. area from which rainfall flows into river, reservoir etc)

The land around the spring is called a catchment area. It's where rainwater is naturally collected and filtered before it enters the aquifer. We're fortunate to own the spring and the rural land that surrounds it, which allows us to trace the water's journey from precipitation to the bottle.


(re source n. a means of supplying what is needed. Available assets)

That bottle in your hand? It's designed to be 100% recycled. PET is a commonly recycled plastic that's strong, lightweight and won't react with the contents inside. PET bottles can be repurposed into new bottles, clothing or other useful items. Look for the number 1 inside the Universal Recycling Symbol to identify PET bottles.

A bottle is created from a preform, a small glass tube of resin, by heating and blowing into a mould. When the bottle has served its purpose, it can be recycled and converted back into resin pellets for creating more preforms. This is called the Circular Economy. Dispose of your bottles thoughtfully. They are an important resource.


We are teaming up with Containers For Change to drive the circular economy. By paying consumers 10c for each container they return to a recycling collection point, we're creating a profitable and sustainable industry that encourages recycling of PET and other materials.

Every bottle or can is a resource that can replace new resources coming in, and we're committed to using 100% recycled bottles as more recycled material becomes available.